Saturday, April 17, 2010

1st Timer

So this is my 1st blog, I promise they will get better the more I post. I've been having all these thoughts rolling around in my head for years, debating on writing a book, but for now blogging will do ;] I'm aware that I don't have the best spelling or punctuation but that's what editors are for right??

My plans for now are to post about things I come across in my day2day life that i discover that either like, love, or the occasional dislike or hate.

As for now we'll start with the Intros, I'm Emily, 20, I got married pretty young to my high school crush :D In result I moved from my hometown of a whopping 238 people in Minnesota to the capital of Hawaii. Big change, I know, and most people think I'm lying but as you'll see in upcoming posts there will be pictures to prove it.

Here's a little peek at my fam & my major hobby [Photography!]

^My Hubster Eric & Myself^

^Our Son Edan & Mommy [me!]^

^Before Edan was born, Eric & I used to go Lanikai Beach for sunrise about every other weekend, can't forget the Starbucks! This was taken 1 month after Edan was born @ our 1st 'Family' sunrise. These 2 boats are always there and it has to be my favorite part about the ocean during the sunrise.^